SCB is a member-based organization relying on membership dues, fundraising events, and donations for support. Funds cover the expense of maintaining a range, hosting events, and awards programs.
Membership dues
Annual dues are $75 per calendar year.
Membership Requirements
Members participate in various club activities for free, are eligible for awards, pay reduced fees at club hosted events, and also receive a monthly newsletter: The BowString. Annual membership dues cover all members of the immediate family including spouses/partners and children under 18 years of age living in the same household.
SCB members are required to do a minimum 3 hour Work Party each calendar year. Work Parties are necessary to maintain our range and are held from 9am until 12pm on the Saturday before the Club Shoot Sunday (second Sunday of the month). For those who cannot attend a Saturday Work Party, arrangements can be made to volunteer with other activities throughout the year. A calendar and sign up sheet is available at each Work Party, Club Shoot, monthly meeting or you may contact the club President.